Actor Mark Salling, best known for his role as Noah "Puck" Puckerman on Fox's musical comedy-drama "Glee," has died."I can confirm that Mark Salling passed away early this morning," attorney Michael Proctor said in a statement yesterday.
"Mark was a gentle and loving person, a person of great creativity, who was doing his best to atone for some serious mistakes and errors of judgment."
Los Angeles Police said they were called to investigate a report of a death in a wooded area near Tujunga at 8:50 am local time on Tuesday morning but could not confirm any further information.
Salling was indicted in May 2016 on charges of receiving and possessing child pornography. He pleaded guilty to one count of possession of child pornography involving a prepubescent minor and was scheduled for sentencing March 7.
As part of a plea agreement, Salling was expected to be sentenced to four years to seven years in federal prison, followed by a 20-year period of supervised release and registration as a sex offender.
"Mark was a gentle and loving person, a person of great creativity, who was doing his best to atone for some serious mistakes and errors of judgment."
Los Angeles Police said they were called to investigate a report of a death in a wooded area near Tujunga at 8:50 am local time on Tuesday morning but could not confirm any further information.
Salling was indicted in May 2016 on charges of receiving and possessing child pornography. He pleaded guilty to one count of possession of child pornography involving a prepubescent minor and was scheduled for sentencing March 7.
As part of a plea agreement, Salling was expected to be sentenced to four years to seven years in federal prison, followed by a 20-year period of supervised release and registration as a sex offender.
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