36-year-old Muzammil put the cigarette in his son’s mouth then got his wife Ummu Slamah, 18, to take a picture. He then posted the picture on social media which is where it was spotted by police on Madura Island, to the west of Indonesia. Muzammil was immediately arrested and taken in for questioning. His wife who took the photo did not face arrest.
It was reported that Muzammil could be jailed for six months under the Child Protection Act.
Bangkalan Police spokesman Bidarudin said: "We have secured the father for putting the cigarette in the infant’s mouth, even if the baby is his own child. The child had the lit cigarette in his mouth. The culprit sat the child up, and he also held the child up by the arms because he was worried that (the baby) would get burned by cigarette ash."
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